Ship Request Form

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"The eyes of the ship, painted on either side of the bow, would now have turned toward the opening of the harbor of Telnus. Ships of Gor, of whatever class or type, always have eyes painted on them, either in a head surmounting the prow, as in tarn ships, or, as in the Rena, as in round ships, on either side of the bow. It is the last thing that is done for the ship before it is first launched. The painting of the eyes reflects the Gorean seamen's belief that the ship is a living thing. She is accordingly given eyes, that she may see her way."

Raiders of Gor, pg. 183

RBCoG #128

Owner/ Propreitor:
Master Shipwright:
Lady Bridget Nache Havoc:
SRoG Registered:

This is basically our place, to keep in touch with our customers, and anyone that wishes a ship built, or repaired. I had the pleasure, of being Mentored by , some of the best Shipwrights upon Gor. There is nothing more, that I would like, but to show them I was indeed worthy of the knowledge obtained.
Please fill out, the below form, and scroll me. Your ship will be built in the glorious City of Lydius, designed by either  myself, "Lady Bridget Nache" , "Lady Quiana Shields" or  "Lady Aquesta Croftman"  and then set sail upon the Thassa, for trial and maiden voyage, and registered in your name, by the SRoG and delivered quickly as possible. Please remember we are always in production, and our ship building list, is always full, but one of the Ladies will get to you as soon as possible.
Announcement :
I am happy to announce, Thassan Storm Shipyards. Thassan is currently taking orders, just not very large ones. If you like to be added to the list, for a couple of ships, We will indeed take your order, but can not promise, an exact finishing time.  However, there are many Shipwrights, if you need contact information, of these Shipwrights, please refer to the SRoG.
By Lady Bridget Nache.


Home Stone:
Ship Class:
Ship Color:
Ship Port:
Ship Name:
Sail Type:
Sail Color:
Additional reguest or comments:

All ships, are built at Thassan Storm Shipyards of Lydius, which is Owned by Lady Bridget Nache, of Lydius. Currently Lady Quiana Shields has joined the ranks, and will be staying on. Then we have our Wonderful and most dependable building crew, of 56 Men.

Thassan Storm Lydius, was built, by the Authority of Trenton DeShea, and Funded by Trenton DeShea. Building commenced on the 5th day of Third Hand of the Month of En'Var, in the year 10,155 CA, on Thassan Storm Shipyeards of Lydius, when all building was completed, the scrolls were then compiled, Bridget Nache began working right away. All Ships built by Bridget Nache, and her crew, will be built in Lydius, and registered to the SRoG, as soon as humanely possible.

Every ship order, is a business decision and a promotion of Thassan Storm Shipyards, and the City of Lydius, and thus so, will be treated with honor. We hope our future work, will make all proud, ,especially the Grand City of Lydius. Thassan Storm Shipyards, will build for others, when time permits. We are always in dire need of shipwrights, builders, apprentices and sailmakers, to serve with pride, to the Citizens of the Gorean Society, in accordance with the Codes of the Builders Caste, and the Guidelines, of the SRoG.

Please understand, that Thassan Storm Shipyard duty, is first, and foremost, to it's Ubar, Home Stone, City Fleet and Citizens. We will not budge or faulter on this rule, or take on more than we can humanely succeed with.

Odins Blessings to You
Lady Bridget Nache City of Lydius
Owner of Thassan Storm Shipyards
SRoG Shipwright,
BRoG #008, Caste Judge


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