Ship Building
With Honor, & Style.

Building in accordance with the Codes of the Builders Caste.
Adt the Guidelines of the SRoG.

Editor: Lady Bridget Nache
Owner/Proprietor: Lady Bridget Nache
Master Shipwright: Sir Amesm Havoc

Amesm Havoc
Master Shipwright
RBCoG #142 / SRoG
Claims Bridet Nache

Lady Bridget Nache
RBCoG #128 / SRoG
Woman of Amesm Havoc

Related Sites

City of Lydius



Thassan Tide Shipyards of Lydius, were built, with the permission of the Ubar, by the educated builders of Lydius. It is Owned by Bridget Nache, and operated by both Bridget Nache, and her Mate, Sir Amesm Havoc.

Thassan Tide Shipyards of Lydius, is adjacent to Steel Talons Shipyard, and both Shipyards, support, and uphold the Massive fleet of Lydius, occasionally building Ships, for those who contact us, on a need by need basis.

Our Loyalty lays, with the City of Lydius first and foremost, and to its Sister Yards, currently, Cardoniucus, Sala, and Cos, which our Partener, Sir Renva Belial, has currently done bussiness for.

We Both, are swamped with ship orders, and orders come daily. We are always open to hiring, Sail Makers, Builders, and Shipwrights. We also will enthusastically mentor anyone, that is serious about becoming a Builder or Shipwright. Just scroll Trenton DeShea for a pass, to the Grand City of Lydius.

We hope you ejoy your look about Thassan Tide Shipyards, and please send a scrolls, if you find any mistakes, or wish to compliment us at Thassan Tide Shipyards of Lydius.

©2005 Half Pint, all rights reserved.

Current News

Ship Oder,
34 Ships

Site Reconstruction
by Lady, Bridget Nache

Birth of Triplets
to Amesm and Bridget,
Amelia, Ambria, and Amar
8 - 14 - 2005

Ship Building

Building Request Form


List of Shipwrights

Scroll Amesm Havor and Bridget Nache